.. index:: skip .. _skip: Skip over statement (`skip`) ---------------------------- **skip** [ *count* ] Skip over (don't run) the next *count* command(s). If *count* is given, stepping occurs that many times before stopping. Otherwise *count* is one. *count* can be an arithmetic expression. Note that skipping doesn't change the value of \$?. This has consequences in some compound statements that test on \$?. For example in: :: if grep foo bar.txt ; then echo not skipped fi Skipping the *if* statement will, in effect, skip running the *grep* command. Since the return code is 0 when skipped, the *if* body is entered. Similarly the same thing can happen in a *while* statement test. .. seealso:: :ref:`next `, :ref:`step `, and :ref:`continue ` provide other ways to progress execution.