.. index:: kill .. _kill: Send Kill Signal (`kill`) ------------------------- **kill** [ *signal-number* ] **kill!** [*signal-number*] Send this process a POSIX signal ('9' for 'SIGKILL' or ``kill -SIGKILL``) 9 is a non-maskable interrupt that terminates the program. If program is threaded it may be expedient to use this command to terminate the program. However other signals, such as 15 or ``INT`` that allow for the debugged to handle them can be sent. Giving a negative number is the same as using its positive value. When the ! suffix appears, no confirmation is needed. Examples: +++++++++ :: kill # non-interuptable, nonmaskable kill kill 9 # same as above kill -9 # same as above kill 15 # nicer, maskable TERM signal kill! 15 # same as above, but no confirmation kill -INT # same as above kill -SIGINT # same as above kill -WINCH # send "window change" signal kill -USR1 # send "user 1" signal .. seealso:: :ref:`quit ` for less a forceful termination command, :ref:`run ` restarts the debugged program.